Hey you ! Paging to you ni
February 22, 2011, 2:46 PM ϟ 0 Babbling

Pretty Hair Pretty Hair , haiyaa , why you selalu jual mahal and always smilesmile when look at us ah ? You know aa , since the 1st day on this year i saw you , i suka you tahu tak . You pretty what , lagilagi you hair , swear so gorgeous de . i loikee . Lot my friend call you Japan is it , HAHA , except me , i only call you Pretty Hair because i like your hair style by the way . When i want to ask your name , my heartbeat become crazy . o.O That's why last day i go run after you . lol - -' Alot i still don't know about you , such as ur facebook , name , ur place that your living , status and for sure i still don't have your NUMBER . fs ! Nevermind , i will try my best to kidnap your heart sweety pie .


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